Wednesday, May 02, 2007

If I get A, i'm a genius?

My mum just told me that my dad and her were totally dissappointed by my brother's exams results. I knew it before cuz my brother told me that he was going to get quite bad marks for the last exams.

I did not know what was really going on there, maybe it was my brother's faults who did not work hard enough or it was just because the questions were too tough to handle because apparently he was not alone in the class who got bad marks. No comments on this one. But I think we have always been, at least me and my brother, pushed by our parents to perform better in school, academically, I totally understand, parents only want the best for us. And I know that this is the only wealth that our parents can "leave" for us, I mean I can imagine how much money they spend for us every year to pay our school fees.

But as I grow older, and the fact that now I am here in France, I really learnt that super duper marks are not everything. Of course, theres a lot of consideration to take in order for you to pass, the first one is our mark, but then there is this calculation thingy going on where you combine the first and second semester, then few subjects under the same category, bla bla bla..... ok fine! I don't get all that.
My point is that, just because my brother did not get A or B for english or physics, does not mean that he's stupid?????? or does it? Just because I obtained 7/20 for my Geography paper and Accounting, does not mean i'm stupid, or does it??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Duh seneng banget baca cerita2nya...

Kemaren ini juga aku sempet kena semprot ibumu! Padahal sih cuma sekedar nyeritain gimana dia marah banget ama Ryan (tapi itu lho... gaya'nya persis banget seperti aku itu Ryan, sambil ditunjuk-tunjuk). Lucu deh ibumu tuh.

Hari-hari kita selalu bersama (walaupun kadang sampe pengen muntah, saking bosennya! ha..ha..ha..)

Salam kangen
Tante De.