Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Voici quelques images que j'ai prise il y a quelque jours a Toulouse. Et j'espere qu'elles vous plaisent. Bonne journee a tous, gros bisous!

La Garonne flowing through Toulouse city.

The giant pine tree in the middle of the park in Place Wilson ( it is real, mind you, not like the one in KLCC)

The Xmas market in Capitole, juz in the center of the city. Selling bunch of delicious fatty food!

They are sandwiches, topped with grilled cheese and charcuterie, pork mainly.

Best pretzel (or Bretzel) I've ever eaten!!! Warm, freshly baked and salty! Oh, and it costs a bomb! 2euros each!

Le Vin chaud, hot wine, boiled with some spices, like cinnamon, orange, lemon etc... It tastes...well...funny for me...
The larger view of capitole and Marche de Noel.

This one is a fake papa noel...hehe...

Us, freezing but could not stop eating!!!

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