Wednesday, February 21, 2007

"if you don't like the culture you're living in, make your own....."

I wish, it's as simple as that. here. in france.

on est en vacances? j'en suis pas sure...

nous sommes en vacances pous une semaine.
mais comme on a pas de chance, il faut qu'on fasse notre memoire de la merde!!!!

on voulait aller faire du ski, pas assez de neige sur la montagne. (it's global warming, i tell ya!)
on voulait aller nager, la piscine est fermee pendant une semaine pour la vidange.
on voulait aller a l'italie, on attend un peu jusqu'au printemps.

so, you do the math!!!

il faut que je me mise mes fesses sur ma chaise et type away my 60 pages of memoire..!!!

et merde, merde, merde....!!!!

Monday, February 12, 2007

I know I don't really have lotsa of free time, but I still take my own sweet time to drown myself with books which are not related at all to my memoire!

"Five people you meet in heaven", "Tuesdays with Morrie" both by Mitch Albom, "On beauty" by Zadie Smith, "Saving fish from drowning" by Amy Tan, "Everyone worth knowing" by the woman who wrote devil wears prada, "Angela's ashes" by Frank McCourt and "Incredibly loud and extremely close" by Jonathan Safran Foer.

And what have I read for my litterature review???????????.............

Rien, vrachement zero! en fait, j'ai lu quelques pages de quelque faut je m'y mets plus fort!!
Au secour....

Saturday, February 10, 2007

more of Madrid

continuons-nous alors.....

Guess what! We found Starbucks in Madrid, i know i know....wth rite..??
But hey! there's none in Toulouse and when we were in Paris we did not get to go there since I was juz weeks away from Startbucks in The Mall. hehe. So this time! we were really missing it, BIG TIME!! So, in we went, ordered our cappucino venti, vandalised the chocolate powder and invaded the huge sofas...HAHAHA!! uuuh...heaven heaven, oh and the 2nd time we went, we fell asleep on the sofa for like, 30 minutes and my friend told me that people were looking at us sleeping, either they took us like some freaks, or pity us cuz we were looking so tired....heheh...(self-pity).

We also ate loads and loads.....the foods are basically cheaper in Spain.

The last day, our spanish teacher treated all of us (like 40 of us) for a glass of wine or beer or coke whatever just to celebrate the end of our trip. She is just so nice and sweet, that woman!

Then, up we go hit the club!!! All like, 30 of us walking up and down the street looking for clubs that can give us free first drink!! HAHA!! We managed to get 2! Not bad eh....

The nite went really well, all of us dancing away, even the algerian guy...haha!

Some parade celebrating i dont know what we happened to see.

Et voila, notre prof preferee!! Hehe

Nice mascot huh, very spanish.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Last week my classmates and I, and Pierre-Louis bien sur, went for a study trip to Madrid.

You know what, actually this trip was meant for those who are learning spanish, and seeing that I am not (I am a foreigner, must learn french....sigh sigh sigh....yea yea yea...) I was not supposed to go. BUT, knowing that french students are sooo good in protesting and VOILA! the rests of the students can go with them too! Transport and rooms paid!! Kesempatan doooonk....ya ga sih...

So, long story short, there I was sitting on a bus ready for 12 hours journey Toulouse - Madrid.

Reached the city exactly at noon, and ooh lala!! Qu'est qu'il faisait beau!! Sun shining and warm. Checked in and decided straight to start the city exploration! Wiiiii.....!!!

Having lunch in one of the local restaurants. Trying the different kinds of Tapas and Paellas. It was not bad but could have been better, specially the Paellas, the rice was not so cooked and the seafood looked not fresh.

Well, no harm, it was a try!!

Plaza de Toros. An arena used as an entertainement center during the olden days where people watch, what's the guy who kills bulls called again?, killing bulls.

But i'm sure Coloseum is waaaaay more impressive than this.

to be continued ok.....