Monday, April 30, 2007

Holiday...?? NOT!!!

So, exams are over last week. I thought I did not do so good. I mean, the questions were so misleading, not clear and...well...master-level of course, but I just did not have that kind of reflection towards questions like that.
Why don't we just see when the results are out. finger-crossed!!! Pray for me people, I wanna go to the second year... you know...

I got my wisdom tooth pulled out. It was such a gruelsome process in the dentist that day. He had to cut my gum open, saw my tooth into half, and saw it again into another half, then he combat with it to take it off!!! But surprisingly it was fast and SCARY! Feeling better now at least...

At this moment, I am still struggling with my memoire which does not seem to get any closer of being completed. I am so out of inspiration and motivation to write. Seriously. I was thinking that maybe I am really out of motivation to study at all. I feel so empty.

Oh blah! whatever...................................

I miss reading books, as in English books. I miss playing pieces on the piano.

I am dead scared and anxious and nervous for my oral defense for my memoire. I AM NOT READY.

I am looking forward for Italy and my mum and my brother to come. And my first training in summer.

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