Because Pierre-Louis went shopping!!!! Yessss u got that rite!! S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G!!! As in, going into shops, trying on things and finally paying for them!!!
It's huuuugggee people, HUGE!!!! (it could be a national day)
Ok. maybe some of you don't know what the hell im talking about... so, here's the story...
Pierre-Louis is one human species that has not been shopping; buying clothes, shoes and other guilty pleasure items i mean in yeaaarrssss....!!! He has 5 year old sweaters, socks, pants, you name it! He hates shopping, he hates trying on clothes and he is very verrryyyy picky for shoes, or even clothes for that matter. And he doesn't believe in consuming unnecessary things. Well, he hasnt gone extreme that he lives in a cave, heating up from a bonfire, somehow he is extreme that he refuses to throw his shapeless underwear (don't worry it still can keep his down-there intacts) , i-can-see-his-toes socks, and his sweaters that has few threads of wool coming out already....
OK! You get the picture rite....long story shorts.....
Yesterday he decided that his old suit is not stunning anymore! He needs to look stunning for his upcoming interview this tuesday. He needs a i'm-gonna-bring-money-to-you-so-hire-me suit! So off we went at saturday moring 10.30 am for suit hunting, white shirt hunting and shoes hunting!
He found THE suit at Zara. I'm loving it too! He does look...well, stunning (subjective opinion coming from me!)
But the shoes searching was oh-so-tiring...... he did find a pair that pleases him (after 3 hours of going in and out of shops), but guess what! no size! "come back next week, ok...." the shop lady said.
Guess he has to sick with his old black shoes for now.
Pray for him so he will get that job and everything will Insya Allah goes well from there...
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