Monday, February 04, 2008

My bruises tell

that I had fun going to ski trip!!!!

Photos will be upload much later since everybody has some and I didn't take that many cuz I was too busy balancing myself and concentrating how to slide gracefully.

I didn't fall that much, except the time when I had to take the teleski on which we should grip the pole, keep our ski parallel, stand up and relax and let the teleski climb you up the mountain. Well, it's not as easy as it sounds. at least for me. I fell 3 times just 3 seconds on it. How embarassing. And now I hurt my knees and my butt.

oh well oh well, but hey I had a blaassst!!!! It was the coolest thing ever to slide down the snow, turning left and right, the sensation of looking down the hill and trying to slow down.
Oh and not forgetting the gorgeous ski trainers!! So cute and hot in those ski suits.

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