Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Pierre-Louis and I are currently in Tours, at his parents' house, yes. Our petite refugee is due to:
1. One of his brothers and the girlfren came over to Toulouse for holidays, so we lend them our apartement ,cuz seriously, if all FOUR of us stay in that tiny weeny unit, we are gonna end up suffocated.

2. It is more tranquil to work on our memoire here in Tours, no need to bother about meals and more over Pierre-Louis needs to conduct an interview in Blois (pas loin de TOurs) so voila, tout est explique!

3. I need my "small pieces of heaven" of those heavenly Brioche Chocolat....to motivate myself to work. yum...yum...

4. Need I say more?

I just hope that by the end of this week, when we return to Toulouse, we will find our apartement as clean as we left it, still in one piece, cigarette-smell free (she smokes), no funky stuff found in funky corners, bla bla bla....

I am reading Le Monde du Sophie (Sophie's World) en francais bien sur car le bouquin, il est a Mdm Genier. Mais, en fait, je l'ai trouver facile a lire surtout pour un roman de philosophie comme celui-ci. Donc, je vais essayer de le finir, en meme temps de travailler sur mon memoire......HAHAHA!! Si, ca marche niquel....

Bon, je termine la car il faut que je lache ma paresse.

Bon courage a moi!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi dita...

long time did not read your blog...i arrived safely here in Piacenza, Italy...
hows studies n Pierre?
btw, went to Cinque Terre last week and it was heaven..all the seafood and ice cream and the beach and the sun and the people...it was a nice break...recommend this place a must to visit...!
Ciao for now..