Sunday, July 02, 2006

catwalking????? ME???

"Can you participate for the fashion show on the 6 of july?" this is the question my mum asked me before i came back to kuching.

WHAAAAT??? from ALL people. ME. ME. ME?? dear God...

well ok..apparently it's for fund raising thingy for the Yogyakarta earthquake which happened last month. The Indonesian consulate is trying to collect money which then going to be donated to Yogyakarta. So, ok it's definitely for good deed, rite! So pourquoi pas?

I said yes. And here i am. practicing to walk up and down the stairs (the catwalk is actually the living room of Wisma Indonesia in kuching, NOT a real stage), pose, then walk slowly and pose and walk, stop and pose, GRACEFULLY. Haha. ME, walking gracefully... with high heels sum more! mind you.

uurrgh....poor legs of mine...cant stand the long hours of rehearsing wearing high heels and kebaya. SOOO freaking HOT and pegel gitu lho!!

Dan rese' nya lagi...they all decided to invite the "Datins" (no, NOT us gurls...hehe) and all VIPs of kuching. so there are some restrictions that we should and should NOT do. omg....wats with the protocols and all, arent they juz humans as well, LIKE US??? we haf to provide a special table in a separated room, fully air-conned!! jadi kalo kita, nota bene- nya, rakyat jelata, ga perlu deh duduk di meja bertaplak sutra di ruangan full AC. Plis donk!! aduh, untung deh di indo ga gitu2 amat perasaan. The reason behind inviting these "rese' Datins are because they are the ones who are loaded and might be "useful" to borong semua batik!! Not the ones with hundred dolars price tags. but THOUSAND DOLLARS ones of course.
Jadi nya kan, jaja-an laku. duit kumpul. dan bisa menolong saudara2 kita yang membutuhkan di Jogja. (ciieee...)

Back to MY story. So, yea... you will see me for the first time, taking a freelance job as a catwalk model HAHAHAHAHAHA....**keep dreaming** juz like cecil said: no future la in this job..

1 comment:

Siron Pereira said...

hey!!!! link my blog from urs sil te plait... hehe... u catwalking? gosh... hehe.. just kidding... take pics k? muaxx babe... say hye to pierre pour moi... au revoir... bonne journee...