Friday, August 31, 2007

Training ended, holidays started....

12.15pm, left the office. Report done, all my jobs done, packed my stuff and left.
Woo hoooo...!!! c'est les vacances, enfin!

my training did not turn out too bad. Actually I did have fun during my training. I met very lovely people, specially Amalia, my boss who is a very nice woman indeed. She's funny, talkative, loves her cats to death, sometimes annoying but it's ok I still could handle it. We shared stories and gossips about the summer lecturers, about the students and of course about her cats.

Emotions: Happy, A bit sad and excited at the same time

Plans: Clubbing tonite, No idea for the rest of week until 11th Sept where I am leaving to Paris to see Pierre-Louis, except maximising my gym.

2nd plan: Off to Stockholm!!!!!! Insya Allah everything goes well.... i have been craving for this trip.

Been wanting to put up some pictures of my unofficial belated birthday party with "geng toulouse ceria" last weekend, but they are not in my camera.

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