Sunday, December 30, 2007

Tiny update for now..

Heylow peeps!!! Hope you've had a verry merry x'mas and a blasting new year party tomorrow night!

I spent xmas just like last year in Pierre-Louis' parents' house in Tours. We had a long, elaborated dinner. This year menu was seafood, so we had prawns marinated in smoked tea which tasted absolutely divine! then we had scallop too in a pretty little glass, this one tasted very good but I didn't really like layer beneath it that brought out strong flavour of daun bawang.

OK! I'm gonna stop now describing our xmas dinner. It will do better with pictures rite! Well, knt do it now, I have all the pics on my camera but I didn't have the usb cable with me. So, gotta be patient y'all!!!

I have been spending holidays here, at the house. Most of the time I do my assignment and studied a little bit for semester exams which are coming in about 3 weeks time!!!

But hold on there, I still have one more thing to look forward to...AMSTERDAM! yeap, im going on wednesday. Stay for 2 days and at the same time I get to see my long-time-never-see little cousin.

Homesick attacked me few times...

Okay peeps, until then! stay tuned for our xmas photos and winter holidays.


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Ca y'est! Je suis en vacances!

But students will always be students rite....... with piling homeworks and never-ending assignments.
At least we are going to enjoy our Christmas dinner in Tours and continue our so-called holidays facing our laptop screens.

**log off from facebook, friendster and such!!**

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Mark yesterday's date!!!!

Because Pierre-Louis went shopping!!!! Yessss u got that rite!! S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G!!! As in, going into shops, trying on things and finally paying for them!!!

It's huuuugggee people, HUGE!!!! (it could be a national day)

Ok. maybe some of you don't know what the hell im talking about... so, here's the story...

Pierre-Louis is one human species that has not been shopping; buying clothes, shoes and other guilty pleasure items i mean in yeaaarrssss....!!! He has 5 year old sweaters, socks, pants, you name it! He hates shopping, he hates trying on clothes and he is very verrryyyy picky for shoes, or even clothes for that matter. And he doesn't believe in consuming unnecessary things. Well, he hasnt gone extreme that he lives in a cave, heating up from a bonfire, somehow he is extreme that he refuses to throw his shapeless underwear (don't worry it still can keep his down-there intacts) , i-can-see-his-toes socks, and his sweaters that has few threads of wool coming out already....

OK! You get the picture rite....long story shorts.....

Yesterday he decided that his old suit is not stunning anymore! He needs to look stunning for his upcoming interview this tuesday. He needs a i'm-gonna-bring-money-to-you-so-hire-me suit! So off we went at saturday moring 10.30 am for suit hunting, white shirt hunting and shoes hunting!

He found THE suit at Zara. I'm loving it too! He does look...well, stunning (subjective opinion coming from me!)

But the shoes searching was oh-so-tiring...... he did find a pair that pleases him (after 3 hours of going in and out of shops), but guess what! no size! "come back next week, ok...." the shop lady said.

Guess he has to sick with his old black shoes for now.

Pray for him so he will get that job and everything will Insya Allah goes well from there...

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Number 100

marks my 100th post!!!

That's right! I've written 100 precious, time-consuming, brain-draining posts!!!!

I've put up THIS long! dedication baby....dedication.....

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Everyone MUST read this!


it's not like I celebrate christmas (no, I have not turned direction) it's just I love making what-I-want list and I dont reject any x'mas gifts :)

1. New sweaters...lots of it! I have my eyes on few pretty sweaters from Mango.

2. Books

3. New haircut (getting it soon)

4. A pair of jeans

5. winter coat

6. Nintendo DS and its games

7. Nintendo Wii

8. A pair of glasses

9. shorts for Gym

10. Jalan jalan ke Bandung, Bali, KL, Maldives...


I went to gym last nite after being absent since last friday. Gosh! My muscles ached after a session of BodyPump.

Today was a long day spent in a classroom doing a project of Sociology du Developpement. From 9.30-16.00 we sat in front of our screen, thinking and typing our grille d'entretien and analyses d'entretien. I am gonna puke panini!

I still have 45000 things to do. I am moving forward, but slowly....not necessarily surely...

My mum sms me "Hey! We are in Bandung with tante nde, gallivanting in Paris Van Java mall!"
great....just great..... @%#$@$^&@#%$%!!!!!!!

I denied to be conquered by instant depression, solution: red cute CHEAP scarf from Zara Kids!!! Only 9.90 euros but oh-so -cuuuteeee...!!

Monday, December 03, 2007

PPI Perancis 2007

Hope you had a great weekend, cuz I did! Tiring but great!
As i said on previous post, I spent my weekend in Paris to attend the assembly of PPI Perancis 2007.

So the five of us (Dika, Stephan, Bang Kadar, Pak Trides and I) left on Friday night, almost saturday morning (12am) from Toulouse train station: Matabiau.

On board we were so impatient to check out our compartment (we get to sleep on small beds) only finding that our compartment door was locked! Mister train only opened it up even after the train left. It was not all, our beds were not equiped with blankets, no pillows, no extra small boxes whereby we could find a pair of useful ear plugs, two candies to regulate morning breath :( , adn what else I couldn't remember.

After taking about 20 minutes to actually settle down complete with our blankets and yada yada, we fell asleep so save and sound.....zzzz....

We reached Paris at 7.30 am saturday morning. There was Rida who picked us up from Paris Montparnasse to bring us straight to KBRI (Indonesian Embassy) to have breakfast and start the meeting.

waiting for our compartment to be unlocked. Ya foto foto doooonk!!!

I was dead tired but excited at the same time, knowing that soon I was gonna meet a lot of people and was sure enough to eat good food until tomorrow!! Haha!

On the way to the Embassy. 7 Hours of bad sleep made no effects on our smile!

Nothing much on the meeting. We discussed many details on the rules and regulations, on voting rights, on president candidature, etc. It was a very long and tiring process to elaborate one by one. But at least now I know how it all goes and I learnt a lot about organisation.

Break time and lunch time were my favourites throughout the whole program. Besides getting to eat good Indo food, I got the chance to widen my networking. Never have I imagined meeting these people in France, and I kinda regret the fact that it was only now that I met them. It would have been lovely to bond earlier, rite!
These Indonesian scholars are spread out in the whole France, lotsa them study in La Rochelle, Lyon and Marseille and most of them are BGF receivers (Bourse du Gouvernement Francais = French Government Scholarship)

We left Paris reluctantly. Personally, I wasn't ready at all to leave, I wanted to spend more time with these people. Don't I sound clingy and desperate..... ?? I wasn't, really. It's just that I had the feeling being at home surrounded by these people, being on Indonesian "land", chatting away, laughing away in a language that I was born and very comfortable with... There was this sense of belonging that I have lost for quite some time which I was starting to get cosy with. It felt so different being a foreigner in a land so far away from home than being one in Malaysia.

p.s: Our embassy is huuugeee!!!! and guess who's our neighbour? Mr. Eiffel!!!

Posing with puppets with traditional costumes from Sumatra